Agriculture has always been a critical sector for human survival and economic stability. In recent years, innovative methods ...
Bayer partners with G+FLAS and Pairwise to advance genome editing in vegetables, enhancing nutritional content and addressing ...
In its recent Annual Report, Reserve Bank of India (RBI) stated that the Minimum Support Prices (MSPs) for the kharif and ...
Ever wondered what happens to your body when you drink a glass of milk daily? From enhancing bone strength to providing ...
The deep emotional connection between a parent and a child acts as a powerful lens, allowing parents to perceive their child's subtle cues, emotional shifts, and well-being changes that might escape ...
The decline in the size of land holdings and the diversion of agricultural lands for other uses pose significant challenges ...
On May 30, 2024, ICAR-Indian Institute of Oilseeds Research (IIOR), in collaboration with the Agricultural Research Station ...
A common debate persists among health nutritionists: is it better to roast your nuts and seeds or eat them raw? Both forms ...
Indian Dairy Association (IDA) celebrates World Milk Day with Dr. Raj Paroda as Chief Guest, highlighting achievements and ...
Sudhanshu Kumar has attained agricultural excellence by switching to micro-irrigation methods and reducing dependence on ...
A new report shows that CGIAR crop technologies have generated a cumulative economic impact of USD 1,334 billion from 1961 to ...
On World Milk Day 2024, Sridhar, the Former Secretary of Animal Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries in the Union Ministry of ...